PHNOM PENH, April 23, 2024 — The U.S. Department of State has released the 2023 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, an annual assessment that has been documenting human rights conditions worldwide for nearly five decades. Known colloquially as the Human Rights Reports, this series offers a detailed and objective analysis of the status of human rights across various nations, aligning with standards set by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international frameworks.
The latest report provides an in-depth look at the state of individual, political, and worker rights in countries around the globe, with a specific focus on Cambodia for the year 2023. The public is encouraged to review the findings to gain a clearer understanding of Cambodia’s human rights environment.
The 2023 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices by the U.S. Department of State provides a detailed examination of human rights conditions in Cambodia. Despite no significant changes from the previous year, the report outlines several serious human rights concerns including:
• Reports of government-sanctioned torture, cruel treatment, and life-threatening prison conditions.
• Arbitrary arrests and detentions.
• Issues with the independence of the judiciary and political prisoners.
• Restrictions on freedoms of expression, media, the internet, assembly, and association.
• Violations of privacy rights and interference in personal and family affairs.
• Lack of free and fair elections and restrictions on political participation.
• Widespread government corruption and inadequate government action to curb human rights abuses.
Full report on Cambodia (English version) click on the link.